Teutonic Shamanism Instructional DVDs

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For 50,000 years, native Shamanism, Animism and Polytheism was practiced in Northern Europe ever since the arrival of modern humans. In 315 C.E., The Roman Empire officially began the long 800 year process of exterminating all indigenous religions in Europe. By 1100 C.E., all the native spiritual practices of NorthWestern Europe had officially been suppressed or destroyed.
But, in modern times, Westerners have become increasingly hungry for Earth-centered spiritual practices. On the surface, it may seem to the casual observer that Western culture has lost all traces of its original Animist beliefs and practices. But, if we look under the surface, we find that 50,000 years of shamanism still reaches out to us to help us re-connect to our ancestors and our planet. Teutonic Shamanism is modern practice rooted in pre-Christian indigenous, tribal animism of ancient Europe. If you are searching for a powerful, authentic path to Earth-centered Animist spiritual practices, you are invited to investigate Modern Teutonic Shamanism. In these DVDs are step-by-step lessons in Shamanic Breathing, Energy Ritual, Chanting (Mantra), Spell-work (Ritual) and Magic (Life Force Energy Ritual). For more info on each DVD, click the menu links on the upper right... or click the links below...

Teutonic Shamanism Level 1

Teutonic Shamanism Level 2

Teutonic Shamanism Level 3

Teutonic Shamanism Level 4

Teutonic Shamanism Level 5