
Teutonic Shamanism Level 5  
(Intro to Shamanic Ritual) 
This DVD contains 1 hour of practical exercises and meditations for those wishing to recreate an authentic Mystical and Shamanic discipline from within pre-Christian European spiritual traditions.  
This DVD contains intermediate/Advanced teachings of Modern Teutonic Shamanism with a focus on Shamanic Ritual and Meditation.  
Contents Include:  
Shamanic Breathing levels 1 and 2. 
Breath patterns have a powerful effect on states of mind. We will explore to two different breath ratios that will help to induce a meditative or shamanic frame of mind. Shamanic Breathing activates the right brain which can aid in shamanic visions as well as strengthening the immune system. 
Music for Shamanic Ritual 
We investigate different types of musical instruments (Drum, Flute, Rattle, Tongue drum) that anyone (even a total newbie) can easily play to help create a Shamanic trance-state. 
Light Elf Ritual to receive instruction from the Light Elves (ascended masters) 

Click HERE to watch this DVD

What is Teutonic Shamanism?

Teutonic Shamanism is a modern, native European shamanic spiritual discipline derived from spiritual and energetic principles contained in the mythological lore of the pre-Christian Teutonic peoples of North Western Europe and augmented with Universal spiritual and energetic principles.

Michael William Denney has spent twenty years studying, practicing and teaching native, shamanic disciplines from all over the world. Mr. Denney is a recongnized instructor in: Taoist Internal Martial Arts, Mysticism & Meditation - Kundalini Yoga and Mantra Meditation - West African Shamanic Drumming. A few years ago, Mr. Denney felt a deep calling to research the shamanic practices of his ancestors- The pre-Christian Teutonic Tribes of Northwestern Europe. After intensive research, he found that the "Norse" myths of his direct ancestors contained the same coded instructions for spiritual evolution, Magic and Energy Mastery as can be found in the myths of the East Indian Vedas. After applying his understanding of those same principles, Mr. Denney has begun re-creating a modern version of Teutonic Spiritual Practices called "Modern Teutonic Shamanism."

Click HERE to watch Teutonic Shamanism Level 5